Every Monday Arvest Art Gallery master-class takes place.

75/78 Bogenbay Batira Street
(corner Kaldayakov)
Almaty, Kazakhstan

Phone: + 7 727 291 47 97
Mobile: + 7 701 799 94 09


Artwork title: Bronze falcon (private collection). Author: Alexander KondrashovArtwork title: Bull  (private collection). Author: . .
Artwork title: Lamp (private collection). Author: Aivar TaziyevArtwork title: Chess with a table (private collection). Author: Vitaliy Otkidich
Artwork title: Leopard (private collection). Author: Alexander KondrashovArtwork title: Series
Artwork title: Box with carving and painting (private collecton). Author: . .Artwork title: Saki heritage
Artwork title: Angels (private collection). Author: . .Artwork title: Series
Artwork title: Etude. Author: Vladimir SamoilenkoArtwork title: Angel. Author: Andrian Judro
Artwork title: Glance (private collection). Author: Andrian JudroArtwork title: In the garden. Author: Vladimir Simonyan
Artwork title: Armon Hanatziv (Governor's castle). . Author: Аnna ZarnitskyArtwork title: No title. Author: Rasim Mikhaeli
Artwork title: Quartet. Author: Sos ArutunyanArtwork title: Friends (private collection). Author: Marat Bekeyev