Every Monday Arvest Art Gallery master-class takes place.

75/78 Bogenbay Batira Street
(corner Kaldayakov)
Almaty, Kazakhstan

Phone: + 7 727 291 47 97
Mobile: + 7 701 799 94 09

About gallery

The main activities of the "Arvest" gallery

  • Organizing of the personal and group art exhibitions;
  • Selling the paintings, graphics and sculptures;
  • Selling the items of arts and crafts, jewelry and souvenirs;
  • Organizing and conducting master-classes;
  • Consulting and advertising services for cultural events;
  • Formation and exhibiting of the collections owned by the private persons, enterprises or banks;
  • Art design of office and living interiors;
  • Custom artwork framing;
Artwork title: Spring . Author: Mikhail PakArtwork title: Over the forest Christmas. Author: Georgiy Makarov
Artwork title: Giving warmth. Author: Georgiy MakarovArtwork title: Winter forest (private collection). Author: Georgiy Makarov
Artwork title: spring song (private collection). Author: Gohar BoryanArtwork title: Bamboo grove (private collection). Author: Lidiya Kovalenko
Artwork title: It is raining. Author: Mikhail PakArtwork title: Family walk (private collection). Author: Galiya Khusainova (GaBo)
Artwork title: Soft power (gallery collection). Author: Aybek RozakovArtwork title: Bird of passage. Author: Georgiy Makarov
Artwork title: The moon over the red house. (Late in the  evening. Low horizon). Author: Nikolay GazeevArtwork title: Evening VII. Author: Georgiy Makarov
Artwork title: Etude 13. Author: Alexei MerzlyakovArtwork title:  It was Rose. Author: Donskih Asya
Artwork title: Migration (private collection). Author: Baimakhan SherimovArtwork title: Roman landscape  (private collection). Author: Vladimir Grigoryan
Artwork title: Milkmaid girl, draft. Author: Ariy ShkolnyArtwork title: Melody Zhailau. Author: Abduahat Muratbaev