Every Monday Arvest Art Gallery master-class takes place.

75/78 Bogenbay Batira Street
(corner Kaldayakov)
Almaty, Kazakhstan

Phone: + 7 727 291 47 97
Mobile: + 7 701 799 94 09


The Legends of the Kazakhstan Steppes

17 September 6.30 pm Arvest Art Gallery "The Legends of the Kazakhstan Steppes" Oil paintings by Baymakhan Sherimov.

You are invited to join us to help welcome & meet the Kazakhstan artist from Taras, Baymakhan Sherimov at the opening of his first solo exhibit in Almaty.


Baimakhan Sherimov artworks


Photos from opening


Artwork title: Woman violinist. Author: Moses ZiborkedeArtwork title: The begining of the silk way. Author: Carmine Barbaro
Artwork title: Nauryz (private collection). Author: Galiya Khusainova (GaBo)Artwork title: Sails. Author: Yriy Shneiderman
Artwork title: Flowers for mom (private collection). Author: Galiya Khusainova (GaBo)Artwork title: Family (private collection). Author: Galiya Khusainova (GaBo)
Artwork title: Old Erevan (private collection). Author: Tigran OvanesyanArtwork title: Bouquet of lilac. Author: Yriy Shneiderman
Artwork title: Taman's motive (private collection). Author: Yriy ShneidermanArtwork title: Preparation (private collection). Author: Moses Ziborkede
Artwork title: Liliya (private collection). Author: Armаis and Artur RubinyanArtwork title: Eternal (private collection). Author: Vagif Rakhmanov
Artwork title: Model 2 (private collection). Author: Spartak GevorgyanArtwork title: Ellinka. Author: Spartak Gevorgyan
Artwork title: Diana. Author: Spartak GevorgyanArtwork title: Dialogue songbirds. Author: Spartak Gevorgyan
Artwork title: Dreamer. Author: Spartak GevorgyanArtwork title: Light road. Author: Beksultan Zhankisiev