Every Monday Arvest Art Gallery master-class takes place.
75/78 Bogenbay Batira Street
(corner Kaldayakov)
Almaty, Kazakhstan
Phone: + 7 727 291 47 97
Mobile: + 7 701 799 94 09

Marat Bekeyev
Born in 1964 in Aktyubinsk. In 1979 to 1983, studied at the Department of Art and Design of the Aktyubinsk School of Cultural Education, from 1984 till 1990, at the Byelorussian State Theatrical Art Institute of Minsk (Department of Easel Painting). Member of the Artists' Union of RK from 1990. Since 1993, he has been a teacher at the Arts Faculty of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. Lives and works in Almaty.
Marat Bekeyev would rather effectively and enthusiastically work simultaneously on several groups of plots and language systems, look for heraldic lucidity of the nomad image, be it a shepherd, warrior or philosopher, catch the mystic bonds of the Wanderer with the world space, the mesmerising man in love with motion, aspire to touch the unintelligible and embarrassing intensions of the collective unintentional. He would choose between the tribal, national, collective and characteristic, individual and personal. His works had now a clear decorative basis, now pictorial plays of colour stains, where contours and gestures were defined by a thin and nervous line. The picturesque surface presented a colourful foggy space, where the painter's hand now gingerly, now resolutely kept track of the outlines of slipping away figures, determined associative lines of images that appeared to him alone. Several years elapsed and amidst pictures of M. Bekeyev there appeared Kanbak (Tumble-Weed). There a man with balls of this strange plant flying by is plunged into the space of the world and given to the stream of time. Now time for the painter has come to start wandering, however not in the Earth's space, but in inconceivable depths of his memory. Lurking there are precious reminiscences of child's feelings and experiences of real events, which after all this time disappeared from the context of multi-layer life and turned into edges of a bewitching crystal casting its magic light over all the plenitude of being.
Small canvases concerned with the aul childhood appear to be lucid memoirs started by the painter on the threshold of his forty years. These vivid pictures, which preserve smells and sounds, facts and gestures, sappy shades and dense light are images and signs of the painter's personal life. Every picture gives an idea about the painter's Ego which joins everything: tenderness and severity, trustfulness and irony, wisdom and simplicity, seriousness and gaiety, pliancy and resilience, sensitiveness and rationality. These life (figurative) portrayals indicate the painter's inclinations to see the world, even in the light of day, through the prism of symbols, which send one to deep-laid senses of existence
Member of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan since 1990.
Participates in exhibitions since 1982.
Since 1998 lives and works in Almaty, Kazakhstan.
graduated from the Belarussian State Theatre and Fine Arts Institute, Easel Painting Department
graduated from the Aktubinsk Culture College, Arts and Design Department, Aktubinsk, Kazakhstan
Solo exhibitions
“White Wind”. Tengri-Umai Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Fiber”. Astana Museum of Modern Art, Kazakhstan
FlamanArt Gallery, Eindhoven, Holland
Eurasia Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
“Kanbak”, Tengri-Umai Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan
From the “Play”, “Psychosis”, “Distemper” series. Tengri-Umai Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Ular Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Shezhere Gallery, Astana, Kazakhstan
Ular Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Riders”, Ular Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Ular Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Aktubinsk Drama Theatre, Aktubinsk, Kazakhstan
Russian Collection Gallery, Moscow, Russia
Rukh Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Ular Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Central Exhibition Hall, Aktubinsk, Kazakhstan
Group exhibitions
“East – West. Graphic Print +”. Austrian-Central Asian Project for Intercultural Cooperation and Graphic Print Development, Tengri-Umai Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Almaty Art Descent – The Return Home”, Central Exhibition Hall, Aktubinsk, Kazakhstan
“East – West. Graphic Print +”. Austrian-Central Asian Project for Intercultural Cooperation and Graphic Print Development, Aitiev Kyrghyz National Museum of Fine Arts, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Exhibition of graphic prints, Amstetten Gallery, Amstetten, Austria
“Modern Art of Kazakhstan”, Intourist-Gallery Eurasia, London, UK; Eurasia Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
“Art of Kazakhstan”, Galerie du Moulin, Luxemburg
“Art of Kazakhstan”, Eurasia Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
3rd Novosibirsk International Contemporary Easel Graphic Biennial, Novosibirsk State Gallery, Russia
“Tengri-Umai” International Art Festival (Open City), Tengri-Umai NPF, Kasteyev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Beskunak – The Aktubinsk Wind”, joint project with Kuanysh Bazargaliyev and Adaptation rock band, Ular Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Nomads’ World”, the President Culture Center, Astana, Kazakhstan
“Art of Nations”, Central House of Artists, Moscow, Russia
“Almaty Artists”, Istanbul, Turkey
“Inkar Gallery Selected Works 2002”, Kasteyev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Man and Tulip” Festival, Kasteyev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan. 2nd prize
“Looking into the Future”, the President Culture Center, Astana, Kazakhstan
International exhibition, Vancouver, USA
“Modern Art of Almaty”, Manezh Exhibition Hall, Moscow, Russia
Exhibition dedicated to the tenth anniversary of Independence of Republic of Kazakhstan, Kasteyev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Heaven”, Tengri-Umai Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Master Class” International Art Festival, Tengri-Umai NPF, Central State Museum, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Exhibition dedicated to the fiftieth anniversary of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan, Kasteyev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Penetration” (joint project with Askar Esdaulet), Tengri-Umai Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“The Fifth Continent”, Ark Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Modern Kazakh Art from Richard Spooner’s collection”, Kasteyev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Modern Kazakh Art from Richard Spooner’s Collection”, Astana Museum of Modern Art, Astana, Kazakhstan
Joint exhibition with Kuanysh Bazargaliyev, Ular Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Days of Kazakhstan Culture in Turkmenistan”, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
Exhibition dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Kurmangazy, Ankara, Istanbul, Turkey
Art Line Gallery, Kaliningrad, Russia
Exhibition of Aktubinsk artists, Ular Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Parade of Galleries”, Kasteyev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan
A jubilee exhibition of Ular Gallery, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Exhibition of Aktubinsk artists, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Central Asian festival of young artists “Zhiger 1990”, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“Our Contemporary”, Moscow, Russia
“Artist and Ecology”, Minsk, Belorussia
“Gold of Belorussian Vanguard”, Minsk, Belorussia
“Young Belorussian Artists”, Berlin, Germany
Republican exhibition dedicated to the fortieth anniversary of the Belarussian State Theatre and Fine Arts Institute, Minsk, Belorussia
“Youth of the Republic”, annual exhibitions, Minsk, Belorussia
Symposiums and workshops
International graphics print symposium “Tanba”, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Co-curator of the project
Graphic prints workshop, Austrian-Central Asian Project for Intercultural Cooperation and Graphic Print Development, Uralsk, Kazakhstan; Dushanbe, Tajikistan
Austrian-Central Asian Summer Academy for Graphic Print, Wallsee, Austria
5th International Creative Laboratory “TURKSOY”, Mesrin, Itchel province, Turkey
Symposium of young artists in Tau Turgen, Kazakhstan
International workshop of young artists, Senezh, Solnechnogorsk, Russia
Public collections
Kasteyev State Museum of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Astana Museum of Modern Art, Astana, Kazakhstan
Umay Museum named after Zhanatai Shardenov, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Ministry of Culture of Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, Kazakhstan
Union of Artists of Belorussia, Minsk, Belorussia
Union of Artists of Russia, Moscow, Russia