Every Monday Arvest Art Gallery master-class takes place.

75/78 Bogenbay Batira Street
(corner Kaldayakov)
Almaty, Kazakhstan

Phone: + 7 727 291 47 97
Mobile: + 7 701 799 94 09

Publications regarding the Arvest Gallery
Artwork title: Temirlichka. Author: Yuri  PlotnikovArtwork title: After the rain (private collection). Author: Anna Margatskaya
Artwork title: Dance (private collection). Author: Inna KostinaArtwork title: Rejoicing (private collection). Author: Anna Margatskaya
Artwork title: Duet (private collection). Author: Vladimir GrigoryanArtwork title: Still life (private collection). Author: Vladimir Grigoryan
Artwork title: Our lady icon (private collection). Author: Taisiya InokinyaArtwork title: Milkmaid (private collection). Author: Alexander Antadze
Artwork title:  Hill landscape. Author: Andrey StarkovArtwork title:  Bird of Happiness. Author: Anna Margatskaya
Artwork title: Hello sun (private collection). Author: Aram HunanyanArtwork title: With love. Author: Aram Hunanyan
Artwork title: Autumn sun... (private collection). Author: Aram HunanyanArtwork title: Love and peace (private collection). Author: Aram Hunanyan
Artwork title: Bell. Author: . .Artwork title: Rat year. Author: Alexander Lvovich
Artwork title: Ship of fate (private collection). Author: Alexander LvovichArtwork title: Bull (private collection). Author: Vladimir Grigoryan