Every Monday Arvest Art Gallery master-class takes place.

75/78 Bogenbay Batira Street
(corner Kaldayakov)
Almaty, Kazakhstan

Phone: + 7 727 291 47 97
Mobile: + 7 701 799 94 09

Publications regarding the Arvest Gallery
Artwork title: Angel with the ladder (private collection). Author: Vladimir GrigoryanArtwork title: Birds hunters. Author: Anna Margatskaya
Artwork title: Hoopoe (private collection). Author: Vladimir GrigoryanArtwork title: Rose (private collection). Author: Vladimir Grigoryan
Artwork title: Duel (private collection). Author: Alexander LvovichArtwork title: Vase. Author: Musheh Amirkhonyan
Artwork title: Angel with the flashlight. Author: Anna MargatskayaArtwork title: Cups and vases. Author: Sergey Ledyaev
Artwork title: My dream... (private collection) . Author: Aram HunanyanArtwork title: Eva. A new day. Author: Vladimir Grigoryan
Artwork title: Castle III. Author: Georgiy MakarovArtwork title: Flowering of apricot. Author: Gohar Boryan
Artwork title: Sun's flute. Author: Aybek RozakovArtwork title: Garny (private collection). Author: Tigran Ovanesyan
Artwork title: Wind. Author: Georgiy MakarovArtwork title: Flowers. Author: Raste Kuros
Artwork title: Winter lace (private collection). Author: Yriy ShneidermanArtwork title: Deep search. Author: Moses Ziborkede