Every Monday Arvest Art Gallery master-class takes place.

75/78 Bogenbay Batira Street
(corner Kaldayakov)
Almaty, Kazakhstan

Phone: + 7 727 291 47 97
Mobile: + 7 701 799 94 09

Publications regarding the Arvest Gallery
Artwork title: Dream of young princess  (private collection). Author: Alexander KondrashovArtwork title: Bronze falcon (private collection). Author: Alexander Kondrashov
Artwork title: Drake and Bronze Bird. Author: Alexander KondrashovArtwork title: Visions of the night. Author: Alexander Kondrashov
Artwork title: Unbowed. Author: Viktor SushenkovArtwork title: Artworks. Author: . .
Artwork title: Angels (private collection). Author: . .Artwork title: Series
Artwork title: Artworks. Author: . .Artwork title: Lady (private collection). Author: Georgiy Makarov
Artwork title: Drummer . Author: Moses ZiborkedeArtwork title: Evening. Author: Anna Margatskaya
Artwork title: Christmas wind. Author: Georgiy MakarovArtwork title:  Radiant horse (private collection). Author:  Ruslan  Kultasov
Artwork title: Travellers. Author: Georgiy MakarovArtwork title: Summer bouquet. Author: Yriy Shneiderman
Artwork title: Introduction (private coiiection). Author: Galiya Khusainova (GaBo)Artwork title: Bird II. Author: Georgiy Makarov