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Художники Галя Дидур

Galina Didur (also known as Galina Dor) was born in Kharkov, Ukraine, in 1961. From an early age, she developed interest and curiosity in the Fine Arts, and very naturally she attended an Art School (1978-1982). Between 1982 and 1985 she studied at the Art High School and from 1985 to 1990 at the Kharkov Art Academy, choosing as a major Monumental Decorative Painting. In 1994 Galina immigrated to Israel. Beginning her artistic journey, she joined the “Tzlaliot” group in Kharkov. The group developed a unique approach toward form, based on the principles of the Avant-Garde and figurative styles, following the analytic school of Pavl Filonov, characterized by a mystic method of painting. While in Italy, Galina was given the opportunity to see and study the Frescoes of the Italian Renaissance Artists. Consequently, Galina’s art style and techniques changed, becoming more tangible and clear, with greater emphasis on texture. Therefore, she began to create a base and an infrastructure for her tempera painting, which would facilitate in creating effects of crevices, similar to the Frescoes. In order to reach this kind of effort, Galina utilizes gold colour in the early stage of the paintings, so the observer could sense the rays of light rising and flaring out of the crevices. By this technique, Galina attempts to present a metaphor, in which the whole world is cracked and obsolete. The themes of her works are all connected to historical and Biblical events; Jewish and universal on the one hand, portraits, views and abstract themes on the other. Galina is a contemporary artist who successfully combines the achievements of the greatest past masters: Picasso and Modigliani with plastics, dynamics and contemporary art technologies.

February 2011 Israeli art exhibition "Imagination 2011" -non profit exhibition for Israeli AIDS task force in collaboration with "Bank Hapoalim", Tel Aviv. Israel

November 2010 «Art Shopping» Louvre exhibition, France

September 2010 «Art en Capital» Fair with the «Soci?t?des Artistes Ind?pendants», France

August 2010 “Without frames”group exhibition, Government complex (Africa Israel Tower), Tel-Aviv, Israel

May 2010 "Accord" Personal exhibition,"Purple Gate" gallery, Ein-Hod artist's village. Israel

April 2010 exhibition in hotel Prince de Galles (Paris), France

June 2010second edition of the Business’Art Fair, Espace Pierre Cardin. France

February 2010 Israeli art exhibition "Imagination 2010" -non profit exhibition for Israeli AIDS task force,in collaboration with "Bank Hapoalim". Tel Aviv, Israel

October 2009 Business’Art Fair in Espace Pierre Cardin (Paris). France

January 2009 Group Exhibition “Baker Street Gallery”Jaffo, Israel

2009 Sketch Gallery Jerusalem

2006-2007-Art Expo Los Angeles, CA, USA

2003-ArtExpo Miami, FL, USA

2000-2008 Art Expo New York, NY, USA

2000-Aviram art Gallery, Tel Aviv

1999-Heical Hatarbut, Tel Aviv

1998-Fisher Gallery, Tel Aviv

1996-Opera tower gallery, Tel Aviv

1995-Dylon Gallery, Old Jaffa, Israel

1994 Museum of Fine Arts, Kharkov ,Ukraine

1993 -The Opera Theatre, Kharkov ,Ukraine

1992-Mars Gallery Moscow, Russia


Статьи о художнике

Галя Дидур

Galina Didur

Мелодии форм: Галина Дидур

Галя Дидур
Название работы: Виола (весеннее настроение). Автор: Галя ДидурНазвание работы: Подруги (частная коллекция). Автор: Галя Дидур
Название работы: Шевалье. Автор: Галя ДидурНазвание работы: Ню в белом (частная коллекция). Автор: Галя Дидур
Название работы: Осень (рисующая). Автор: Галя ДидурНазвание работы: Первая и вторая скрипка (частная коллекция). Автор: Галя Дидур
Название работы: Дары осени (частная коллекция). Автор: Галя ДидурНазвание работы: Белый вальс. Автор: Галя Дидур
Название работы: Медленный танец. Автор: Галя ДидурНазвание работы: Осень (частная коллекция). Автор: Галя Дидур